(Single Review | Sy Kosis Jones)
SpaceyY throws a curveball at the music scene with DON'T MIND ME! 
A refreshing change from the more serious approach we often see in music, SpaceyY creates his own niche within the Psychedelic Rock realm with releases such as DON'T MIND ME that can't help but get you up moving while pulling the corners of your mouth back!
DON'T MIND ME is the light-hearted, up-tempo song that you didn't know you needed for a quick morale boost for your day!
Like the love of your life, you will NOT be able to let this song go! Highly replayable & easy to sing along with, DON'T MIND ME brings one thing to the table that is rare to find in music these days... Happiness.
If you need a smile today, this is where you want to be. Now, DON'T MIND ME as I go back & play this song again!
To listen to DONT MIND ME click the link in the comments! 🎧🌱

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