Chaos Capone Interview
What inspires you to create music?
1. I’ve always found that music closes the wounds life cuts into you. It doesn’t stop the pain but it definitely gets the energy back in you to fight on. Life is pain but it’s beautiful and I find my way of reaching that happiness inside me is by singing about my beautiful pain.
How would you describe your music?
2. My music is the original name rap was given way back when it started before I was born. It’s poetry but rural American poetry lol ;) get it. But as dumb as I like to be I take everything very serious and it’s more than words it’s taking the time to find the perfect one for each blow you deliver. So I’d call my music Rap. No alternatives to the name.
Do you have any albums coming out anytime soon?
3. I’m actually about to have all my teeth replaced as they fix my jaw as well so I’ve got things ready and lined up for the 7 months it’s gonna take to be singing again but next summer I’m focusing on the Carnivals shows with a few singles but another full 18 song album won’t be put out till mid summer at least. But bet I got over 10 songs already recorded. Just waiting for when I can’t talk for half a year lol
Can you tell us what your looking to accomplish in this industry?
4. I’m going to change it drastically. That’s all I can say. Strategy is key but if you listen close you can tell what I want to be done.
Where can we keep up with your latest updates?
5. I would say either my The Chaotic Carnival page on fb or Instagram but best quality of music is Spotify or iTunes and so on. I make videos. Very amateur videos on a YouTube page. I think people get a kick out them. But again I say Spotify for now but Instagram and the story’s for updates and shows
Is their anything youd like to add?
6. Yes. I want to add that everyone I have met so far has been the most amazing people ever!!!! I can’t wait to get better already so I can go see everyone and meet more!